
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1880-81    The Dundee Directory, pub. Mathew, published: 1880,  original : National Library of Scotland      There are 514 records.

Johnston, George, grocer and spirit merchant, Gauldry[not in Forgan parish]
Johnston, H. (tea merchant, Dundee), 4 Kilnburn place, East NewportLocation
Johnston, J. J., East Newport; Clerk and Treasurer, [under School Board Of Forgan]Location
Johnston, Mrs W., The Terrace, West NewportLocation
Johnstone, Joseph J., solicitor, 3 St Phillan's place, East NewportLocation
Just, David, Justfield, West NewportLocation
Just, George, builder, Laura place. West NewportLocation
Just, Miss Annie, The Terrace, West NewportLocation
Just, Mrs B., Sunnyside house. West NewportLocation
Just, Robert, joiner. The Terrace, West NewportLocation
Kay, David, bootmaker, Union street, East NewportLocation
Kay, James M. (telephone supt., Dundee), Daisy cottage, W, NewportLocation
Kay, John (wholesale grocer, Dundee), Prospect terrace. East NewportLocation
Keay, A. G., Royal Hotel, East NewportLocation
Keenan, Thomas (merchant, Dundee), Gowanbank, West NewportLocation
Kelt, Misses, teachers, Tay terrace. East NewportLocation
Kermath, Miss, Mackie place. West NewportLocation
Kerr, Robert, Ellenmount villa. West NewportLocation
Kidd, Mrs A., Mackie place, West NewportLocation
Kidd, Mrs Charles, Wellpark terrace, West NewportLocation
Kidd, Mrs James, Broadhaugh house. West NewportLocation
Kidd, Robert, millwright, King street. East NewportLocation
Kidd, Thomas (merchant, Dundee), Broadhaugh, West NewportLocation
Kidd, Thomas, Committee; [under Newport Musical Association]
Kinnear, John T, (clothier, Dundee), Wellpark terrace. West NewportLocation
Latto, David, joiner. High street ; h. Tay streetLocationLocation (2)
Lawson, Henry G., farmer, CausewayheadLocation
Lawson, James (clothier, Dundee), 18 Kilnburn place. East NewportLocation
Lawson, James H., clerk, Tay terrace, East NewportLocation
Lawson, Mrs David, Tay terrace. East NewportLocation
Lawson, Mrs, 3 Myrtle terraceLocation
Learmonth, John, & Son, bootmakers, 2 High street ; h. James' squareLocation[? house not identified]
Leitch, Andrew, shipowner. Hill crescent [sic], West NewportLocation
Leitch, Andrew; Director [under Newport Bowling Club] Location (2)
Leitch, Andrew; Vice-President [under Newport Curling Club] Location (2)
Leng, John (managing proprietor of Dundee Advertiser), KinbraeLocation
Leng, John, Kinbrae, President; [under Newport Horticultural Society]Location
Leslie, Mrs Mary, 7 Kilnburn place, East NewportLocation
Lindsay, David, clerk, Greenbank, West NewportLocation
Lindsay, John (glass merchant, Dundee), Rose cottage, Maryfield terraceLocation
Lindsay, John, gardener, Robert street, East NewportLocation
Lindsay, John; Committee (practical gardeners) [under Newport Horticultural Society]
Logie, James (insurance broker, Dundee), Kilnburn villa, Cupar roadLocation
Logie, James, late farmer, Woodriffe terrace, East NewportLocation
Louden, Andrew, grocer, West NewportLocation
Louden, M. T., grocer. West NewportLocation
Low, J. C. jun., Committee; [under Newport Musical Association]
Low, James, retired Customhouse officer, 13 High streetLocation
Low, John C., 4 Myrtle terrace. East NewportLocation
Low, Mrs James, Woodriffe terrace. East NewportLocation

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