
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1915    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Nov 1915,  original : Internet Archive      There are 711 records.

Smith Mrs. 10 Hill crescent [under Wormit]Location
Smith Mrs. Royston, WLocation
Smith Mrs. Taygrove, Tayport road, ELocation
Smith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W Location
Smith Thomas L. 8 Hill crescent [under Wormit]Location
Smith William, Westbank [under Wormit]Location
Smith, Hood & Co. Limited, coal merchants, Railway station, E [under Commercial]Location
Smith-Cooper David, 4 Youngsdale pl., E Location
Smith. Thomas, Inverdovat [under Farmers]Location
Sommerville Harold, St. Phillan's place Location
Sommerville Mrs. 4 Kilnburn place, E Location
Soutar Alfred, Balnacraig [under Wormit]Location
Soutar John M. Birkhill avenue [under Wormit]Location
Soutar Mrs. Elm bank. WLocation
Spry The Misses, Rose cottage, Queen st. ELocation
Stables, J., teacher; [under Industrial Training. Ship 'Mars' (Off Woodhaven)]Location
Stanford James, Flass [under Farmers]Location
Stanford Jas. dairyman, Robertson pl. E [under Commercial]Location
Stark Walter, fruiterer, Robert street, E [under Commercial]Location
Steele & Brodie, beehive & incubator makers [under Wormit Commercial]Location
Steven Mrs. Alma house, WLocation
Stewart Bros.(letters via Wormit, Fifeshire) [under Farmers]Location
Stewart David, Riverlea [under Wormit]Location
Stewart Mrs. Cross mount [under Wormit]Location
Stewart Mrs. Greenwood villa, E Location
Stewart Thomas Pollard M.A., M.D., Lovaine villa. ELocation
Stewart, Mrs. Jane F.; the trustees of the late [under Principal Land Owners]Location
Stewart, Thomas P., M. A., M.D., surgeon; [under Industrial Training. Ship 'Mars' (Off Woodhaven)]Location
Stewart, Thomas Pollard M.A., MD. C.M. Edin., D.P.H. St.And. surgeon & physician, moh to the burgh, parochial m.o. & public vaccinator for Forgan, Lovaine villa, E [under Commercial]Location
Stewart, Thomas Pollard, M.A., M.D., C.M. Edin., D.P.H. St.And. Lovaine villa, Newport; Medical Officer, [under Forgan Parish Council, Blyth Hall Buildings, Scott St. Newport. ]Location
Stewart, Thomas Pollard, M.D., C.M. Edin., D.P.H. St.And. Loraine villa, East Newport; Medical Officer of Health, [under Town Council.]Location
Stiven Mrs. Rosemount Tayport road, E Location
Storrier John, slater, Tayport road, E [under Commercial]Location
Stott Mrs. Ivybank. WLocation
Strachan Alexander G. Ripple bank [under Wormit]Location
Strachan Frederick. Ashlea [under Woodhaven]Location
Strachan Miss. The Terrace. WLocation
Strachan, Alex. G., inspector; [under Wormit Waterworks]Location
Stuart Mrs. 4 Tay terrace. ELocation
Sturrock Alexander, Rockard [under Wormit]Location
Sturrock James, Baymount [under Wormit]Location
Sturrock Mrs. Ellerslie, Woodmuir ter. W Location
Sturrock Mrs. Victoria cottage, King st. Location
Sturrock William, Highfield [under Woodhaven]Location
Sutherland Prof. Lewis, Wellgate house, W Location
Swann William, Oakdean [under Wormit]Location
Swinton Andrew L. Laura place, W Location
Tait Robert, builder, Victoria cottage, Queen street, E [under Commercial]Location
Tait Robert, Victoria cottage, Queen st. E Location
Taylor Miss, 2 Daisy bank. Woodriffe ter. E Location

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