
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : Chesterhill

Property Image

= Property still standing

Notes:      Renamed Chesterhill c.1906



Originally 'Justfield', then 'The Cliff', this was renamed 'Chesterhill' ca. 1906. See also the original Chesterhill (now known as Washer Willy's).


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437987,-2.912544

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
Cliff TerraceCliff TerraceCliff Terrace; Cliff TerraceMr. Frall Causewayhead; Mr. John Black Roseberry.Nearly 1/2 a mile S.W. by S. of the Mansion House of Scotscraig.A neat villa pleasantly situated on a rocky eminence and surrounded with trees and shrubs. The house is 2 stories high, in good repair and slated, and has some offices and a small but neat garden attached, and is the property and residence of Miss Berry.OS1/13/32/63


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Chesterhill     source: Newport History Group
Chesterhill House, Near Newport-On-Tay     source: Listed Building - Historic Environment Scotland
Chesterhill     source: The Place-Names of Fife, by Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus, University of Glasgow     (see a map of all the placenames in Forgan parish.)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Cliff House
The Cliffe
Cliff Terrace 1877
Chesterhill from 1907
Justfield pre 1851
The Cliff up to 1906



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 107 entries

1957-58 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1957-58 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill
1956-57 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport-On-Tay]
1956-57 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill
1955-56 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1955-56 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1954-55 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1954-55 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1953-54 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1953-54 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1952-53 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1952-53 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1951-52 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1951-52 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1950-51 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1950-51 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1949-50 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1949-50 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1948-49 dirBerry, Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1948-49 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1947-48 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1947-48 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1946-47 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1946-47 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1942-43 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1942-43 dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]
1942-43 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1941-42 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1941-42 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1940-41 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1940-41 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1939-40 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1938-39 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1937-38 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1936-37 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1935-36 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1934-35 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1933-34 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1932-33 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1931-32 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1930-31 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1929-30 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1928-29 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1928 Kelly dirBerry Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1927-28 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1927-28 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1926-27 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert. Chesterhill
1925-26 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1923-24 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1923-24 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1922-23 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill, Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. Robert, Chesterhill
1920-21 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill
1919-20 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. R. A. J., Chesterhill
1918-19 MacDonald dirBerry, Capt. R. A. J., Chesterhill
1918-19 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill
1917-18 MacDonald dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill
1916-17 MacDonald dirBerry, R. A. J., Chesterhill
1915-16 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1915-16 dirBerry, Captain Robert, Chesterhill
1914-15 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1914-15 dirBerry, Robert A. J., Chesterhill
1913-14 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1912-13 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1911-12 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1910-11 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Chesterhill
1907-08 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Tayfield House, also The Clifflocation 2
1906-07 MacDonald dirBerry, Wm., Tayfield House, also The Clifflocation 2
1896-97 dirSoote, Lieutenant-Colonel James Powrie, The Cliffe, by Newport
1895-96 dirSoote, Lieutenant Colonel James Powrie, The Cliffe
1891-92 dirGordon, James (corn merchant, Dundee), The Cliffe, East Newport
1890-91 dirGordon, James (corn merchant, Dundee), The Cliffe, East Newport
1889-90 dirGordon, James (corn merchant, Dundee), The Cliffe, East Newport
1889 Slater dirGordon Mr James, The Cliff, Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirGordon, James (corn merchant, Dundee), The Cliffe, East Newport
1886-87 dirRobertson, William, The Cliff
1886 Slater dirRobertson William, The Cliff
1885-86 dirRobertson, William, The Cliff
1884-85 dirRobertson, William, merchant, The Cliffe
1880-81 dirCade, A. H., (merchant, Dundee), The Cliff
1878-79 dirCade, A. H. (merchant, Dundee), The Cliff
1878 Slater dirParker Mr. Edward, The Cliff
1877 Worrall dirParker Mr. Edward, Cliff terrace
1876-77 dirParker, William W., manager, The Cliff [* ms. alteration - 'The Cliff' deleted]
1876-77 dirParker, Edward (merchant, Dundee), The Cliff [* ms. alteration - 'The Cliff' deleted]
1874-75 dirParker, Edward (manufacturer, Dundee), The Cliff
1873 Slater dirParker Mr. Edward, Cliff terrace, Newport
1871-72 dirParker, Edward (merchant, Dundee), Cliff Terrace
1866 Fife dirParker, E, merchant (Dundee), Cliff Terrace
1864-5 Dundee dirParker, Edward, merchant & spinner, Fenton St; h. Newport
1862 Fife dirParker, E, merchant (Dundee), Cliff Terrace
1861-2 Dundee dirParker, Edward, merchant, 22 Cowgate; h. Cliff Terrace, Newport
1852 Slater dirBrown, James, manufacturer, Justfield
1837 Pigot dirBrown, James, manufacturer, Justfield, Forgan



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1879-1880 Voters Cade, Absalom Henry agent Cliff Terrace
1879-1880 Voters Powrie, James of Reswali Forfar Cliff Terrace
1878-1879 Voters Powrie, James of Reswali Forfar Cliff Terrace
1874 Voters Parker, Edward machine maker
1874 Voters Powrie, J of Reswali, Forfar
1873 Voters Parker, Edward machine maker
1873 Voters Powrie, James of Reswali, Forfar
1844-1861 Voters 24 September 1832 Just, George Builder feuar lands of Justfield & houses thereon of the lands of Cawseyhead Justfield & Cawseyhead [entry deleted] 1845 Expd.
1833-1840 Voters 24 September 1832 Just, George Builder feuar lands of Justfield & houses thereon of the lands of Cawseyhead Justfield & Cawseyhead
1832 Voters 24 September 1832 Just, George Builder feuar lands of Justfield & houses thereon of the lands of Causayhead Justfield & Causayhead [Tayfield deleted]


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Chesterhill Berry Robert A J 14
1911 Chesterhill House Uninhabited
1901 The Cliffe Uninhabited View household
1891 Cliff Terrace Gordon James 9View household
1881 Cliff Terrace Uninhabited View household
1871 Cliff Terrace Parker Margaret E 14View household
1861 Cliff Terrace Parker Edward 10View household
1851 Cliff Terrace Cuper Matilda View household
1841 Justfield Brown James View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 56 entries

1958-59106House, Offices and Grounds John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh 3 Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1957-58106House, Offices and Grounds John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh 3 Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1952-53111House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1947-48106House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1942-43112House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1940-41111House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1937-38114House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1935-36113House, Offices and Grounds John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1932-33111House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1930-31111House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1927-28147House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry 75View details
1925-26137House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry same 75View details
1922-23126House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry same 75View details
1920-21119House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry same 75View details
1917-18118House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry same 75View details
1915-16117House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Captain R A J Berry same 80View details
1912-13116House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh proprietor 80View details
1907-08111House, Offices and Grounds William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh proprietor 80View details
1905-06103House, offices, garden, etc. William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh proprietor 70View details
1903-04105House, offices, garden, etc. William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh empty 60View details
1903-04107Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh proprietor 5View details a
1901-02135Land Reps of late Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry per Geo. O Soote, 23 Queen St, Edinburgh proprietor 5View details a
1901-02133House, offices, garden, etc. Reps of late Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry per Geo. O Soote, 23 Queen St, Edinburgh empty 60View details
1900-01134Land Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 5View details a
1900-01132House, offices, garden, etc. Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry empty 60View details
1899-00126Land Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 5View details a
1899-00124House, offices, garden, etc. Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry empty 60View details
1897-98112Land Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 5View details
1897-98110House, offices, garden, etc. Mrs Margaret P Soote, Rires House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 60View details
1896-97112Land Reps of late Lieut.-Colonel James P Soote proprietor 5View details
1896-97110House, offices, garden, etc. Reps of late Lieut.-Colonel James P Soote proprietor 60View details
1895-96110Land Lieut.-Col. James P Soote proprietor 5View details
1895-96108House, offices, garden, etc. Lieut.-Col. James P Soote proprietor 60View details
1894-95167Land Lieut.-Col. James P Soote proprietor 5View details
1894-95165House, offices, garden, etc. Lieut.-Col. James P Soote proprietor 60View details
1893-94160Land Col. James P Soote, Row House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 5View details
1893-94158House, offices, garden, etc. Col. James P Soote, Row House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 60View details
1892-93162House, offices, garden, etc. Col. James P Soote, Row House, Broughty Ferry empty 60View details
1892-93164Land Col. James P Soote, Row House, Broughty Ferry proprietor 5View details
1891-92160House, offices, garden, etc. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, merchant same 60View details
1891-92162Land James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, merchant same 5View details
1890-91154House, offices, garden, etc. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, merchant same 60View details
1890-91156Land James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, merchant same 5View details
1889-90151House, offices, garden, etc. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, farmer same 60View details
1889-90153Land James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar John Gordon, farmer same 5View details
1885-86139House, offices, garden, etc. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar William Robertson, merchant same 60View details
1881-8283House, Land &c. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar per D B Bruce, house agent, Dundee same Absalom Henry Cade Esq., agent 70View details
1878-7990House, Land &c. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar same Absalom Henry Cade Esq., agent 70View details
1875-7689House, Land &c. James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfar same Edward Parker, engineer 62-10-0View details
1871-7285House & land etc James Powrie, Reswalli, Forfar Edward Parker, engineer 62-10-0View details
1867-6880House, Lands and Steading of Cliff Terrace James Powrie of Reswali, Forfar Edward Parker 62-10-0View details 7 acres
1865-6681House, Lands and Steading, Cliff Terrace Miss Jessie Powrie, Links House, Broughty Ferry said Edward Parker Edward Parker 53-17-0View details
1864-6574House, Lands and Steading of Cliff Terrace Miss Jessie Powrie, Links House, Broughty Ferry Edward Parker 45View details
1860-6137House, land & steading Miss Jessie Powrie Edward Parker 45View details
1855-5697House and Garden Miss Jessie Powrie, Justfield said Miss Powrie 35View details
1855-5698Lands Miss Jessie Powrie, Justfield said Miss Powrie 12View details



Early taxation records (either at this exact location or an earlier one)

DateTaxpayerTaxable itemsDuty paidTaxSource refNote
- Feb 1762David Just in Justfield1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/222
26 Jun 1761David Just in Justfield1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/190
early 1761David Just in Justfield1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/155
2 Aug 1760David Just in Justfield1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/116


Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 166  view details Causewayhead Justfield, The Holes + 2 rigs of land Chesterhill (present-day)


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1894.002441st, 2nd & 3rd Jamieson loans repaidDisch by James Auldjo Jamieson WS Edinburgh disburd (1) bond (16 Nov 1876) £1000; (2) bond (9 Apr 1877) £700; (3) bond (28 Jan 1879) £500 all by James Powrie of Reswallie Forfarshire – inter alia portion of land pt of Inverdovat Barony called Holes alias Justfield (see 1876.01096)27 Feb 1894166
1892.018654th Jamieson loan repaidDisch by James Auldjo Jamieson WS Edinburgh disburd bond (13 Aug 1881) £400 by James Powrie of Reswalli, Forfarshire – inter alia portion of land – the Holes or Justfield & others (see 31 Aug 1866 and 1876.01096)8 Dec 1892166
1892.01841Mar con Jamieson/ Powrie loan repaidDisch by mar con Trs of James Auldjo Jamieson, WS Edinburgh & Isabella Powrie or Jamieson disburd bond (19 Aug 1868) £650 by James Powrie of Reswallie – portion of land part of Barony or estate of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield on E side of Causewayhead & Innerdovat and 2 riggs or butts of the lands of Causewayhead and pce grnd given in lieu of pasturage etc on lands of Causewayhead & now enclosed & joined to the other lands6 Dec 1892166
1892.01093James Auldjo Jamieson to James Powrie SooteDisp by James Auldjo Jamieson WS Edinburgh to Lt-Col James Powrie Soote resid Reres House B Ferry of portion land formerly pt of Barony or Estate of Inverdovat called the Holes of Justfield on E side of Causewayhead & Inverdovat & 2 rigs or butts of lands of Causewayhead with teinds with pce of ground given in lieu of pasturage etc on lands of Causewayhead & now enclosed & joined to the other lands.7 Jul 1892166
1884.04855James Powrie to James Auldjo JamiesonDisp by James Powrie, Reswallie, Forfarshire to James Auldjo Jamieson, WS, Edinburgh of pt of Innerdovat called the Holes or Justfield ... & others ...2 Aug 1884166
1882.02456loans 1 & 2 by James Auldjo Jamieson transferred back from William Henry Revell Bedell SivrightAssig by William Henry Revell Bedell Sivright of Southouse to James Auldjo Jamieson WS of (1) bond (16 Nov 1876) £1000 & (2) bond (9 Apr 1877) by James Powrie to James Auldjo Jamieson over pt of Inverdovat ... the Holes or Justfield11 Nov 1882166
1881.008734th loan by James Auldjo JamiesonBond £400 & disp by James Powrie, Reswali to James Auldjo Jamieson WS Edinburgh of pt of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield …13 Aug 1881166
1879.039903rd loan by James Auldjo JamiesonBond £500 & disp by James Powrie, Reswali, Forfarshire to James Auldjo Jamieson, WS Edinburgh, of pt of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield …28 Jan 1879166
1879.03984loan by Trs Mar Con John Berry & Margaret Higgins Burn Murdoch / Berry to William BerryBond £6000 & disp by William Berry, Tayfield, consent of his curators, to Mar Con Trs his father John Berry, now deceased, & Margaret Higgins Burn Murdoch / Berry of lands & estate of Tayfield comprehending the Tenandry of Tayfield (formerly Inverdovat) which comprehends (1) the lands of Inverdovat & Plewlands, the lands of Inverdovat sometime belonging to David Balfour, lands called Leighton's Lands, Mills of Seamills, the Bank of Inverdovat, the lands of Newport with the piers or harbours etc; and which lands & estate of Tayfield comprehend also (2) parts of the lands commonly called Causewayhead comprehending the lands called Pluck-the-Crow, pts of the barony & lands of Inverdovat commonly designed as follows: Causewayhead & Laverocklaw, Den of St Foord, Craighead, Fishhouse Lands, 6 Rigs of lands on the E side of Newport above the Boatmen's houses and yards, the house, lands & garden sometime possessed by David Webster, the lands of Waterston Crook, the lands & others sometime possessed by John Paton, the houses & gardens immediately to the E of Newport sometime possessed by William Feathers & George Scott, the lands called the Holls, & Pluck-the-Crow with the salmon & other fishings ... [as in 1872.01306]27 Jan 1879166, 211, 210, 283
1878.03282loans 1 & 2 by James Auldjo Jamieson transferred to William Henry Revell Bedell SivrightAssig by James Auldjo Jamieson, WS Edinburgh, to William Henry Revell Bedell Sivright of Southhouse of (1) bond (16 Nov 1876) £1000 and (2) bond (9 Apr 1877) £700 by James Powrie, Reswallie, Forfarshire over pt of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield & others12 Jul 1878166
1877.01560second loan by James Auldjo JamiesonBond £700 & disp security by James Powrie of Reswali, Forfarshire to James Auldso Jamieson, WS Edinburgh of inter alia that portion of land formerly pt of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield & others - as in disp 31 Aug 1866 & 16 Nov 18769 Apr 1877166
1876.01096loan by James Auldjo JamiesonBond £1000 & disp by James Powrie, Reswali, Forfar to James Auldjo Jamieson, WS, Edinburgh of inter alia, pt of estate of Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield … as in disp 31 Aug 186616 Nov 1876166
1868.03167loan by Trs Mar Con James Auldjo Jamieson & Isabella Powrie / JamiesonTrs marriage contract between James Auldjo Jamieson WS & his spouse Isabella Powrie get bond & disp £650 by James Powrie over a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said land19 Aug 1868166
1866.01330Trs Jessie Powrie to James PowrieJames Powrie regist disp to himself by Trs Jessie Powrie consent James Powrie & James Soot & Margaret Powrie his spouse, of portion of land the Holes … Inverdovat or Justfield on E side of Causewayhead, & 2 riggsor butts of land of Causewayhead, & … pce land in lieu of servitude …31 Aug 1866166
1866.01133James Powrie to Jessie Powrie (1849), now to TrsTrs Jessie Powrie get not instr of … Inverdovat Holes or Justfield … 2 riggs or butts of land in Causewayhead … on disp & convey by James Powrie, consent of Margaret Powrie & James Soot her husband, & Janet (Jessie) Powrie daughters of William Powrie, to said Jessie Powrie, 1849, & disp & settl by her, 185525 May 1866166
1848.01202Thomas Powrie to James PowrieJames Powrie as heir to uncle Thomas Powrie seised a portion of Inverdovat called The Holes or Justfield on the east side of Causewayhead & Innerdovat; and 2 riggs or butts of land of Causewayhead, with a piece of land given in lieu of the servitude of pasturage on the lands of Causewayhead, on Pr Cl Con by William Berry, Tayfield3 Feb 1848166
1842.00596George Just to Thomas PowrieThomas Powrie seised a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead with a piece of grnd given off in lieu of pasturage on the lands of Causewayhead, & houses etc t/on & teinds on disp by George Just, formerly mason Justfield, now builder & contractor, Tayside near Woodhaven, consent of spouse Isabella Walker & Christian Just also residing Tayside12 May 1842166
1842.00595Meldrum loans repaidGeorge Just, mason, formerly at Justfield now at Tayside, gets ren by surviving Tr of Elizabeth Meldrum of a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said lands, & of £200 & £200 in 2 bonds & disp, 23 Mar 1821 & 28 Jun 1824. (see v3, 4778)12 May 1842166
1840.04778Elizabeth Meldrum loans to TrsTr Elizabeth Meldrum seised a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said lands - in security £200 & £200 in 2 bonds & disp by George Just, mason, formerly at Justfield, then at Tayside to said Elizabeth Meldrum, 23 Mar 1821 & 28 Jun 1824 - on disp & settl by Elizabeth Meldrum, 18 Jul 1831 & on ch adjud in impl by George Just, March 1840 (see v2, 132 & 1876)19 Mar 1840166
1829.05171Trs John Anstruther loan repaidRobert Dalgleish, Scotscraig, gets ren by Trs John Anstruther of Airdit of … lands of Scotscraig … Sandyhills … pts of lands of Innerdivot called Laverocklaw & others & commonly designated as follows - (1) town & lands of Causewayhead & Laverocklaw; (2) town & lands of Den of St Foord; (3) lands of Craighead; (4) that field & piece of land on S side of river Tay called Fishhouseland; (5) 6 riggs of land on E side of Newport above the boatmen's houses & yards; (6) & the house lands & garden on the E side of the Water of Dundee; (7) lands of Waterston Crook; (8) land with the crofts & yards upon the water called Dundee Waterside; (9) houses & yards immediately to the E of Newport; (10) & 1.5 acres of land called the Holls, being pt of the lands of Causewayhead; (11) & piece of land with the pertinents called Pluck-the-Craw; (12) & salmon fishings called Greenside; (13) & teinds; (14) an annual rent corresponding to £1000 Scots payable furth of said lands of Innerdivot; (15) parts of the lands of Innerdivot & Bank thereof; (16) & part of the great common; & of £4000 in bond & disp (see 3338)14 Dec 1829166, 283 & others
1826.03338loan by Trs John AnstrutherTrs John Anstruther of Airdit seised … lands of Scotscraig … pts of lands of Innerdivot called Laverocklaw & others & commonly designated as follows - (1) town & lands of Causewayhead & Laverocklaw; (2) town & lands of Den of St Foord; (3) lands of Craighead; (4) that field & piece of land on S side of river Tay called Fishhouseland; (5) 6 riggs of land on E side of Newport above the boatmen's houses & yards; (6) & the house lands & garden on the E side of the Water of Dundee; (7) lands of Waterston Crook; (8) land with the crofts & yards upon the water called Dundee Waterside; (9) houses & yards immediately to the E of Newport; (10) & 1.5 acres of land called the Holls, being pt of the lands of Causewayhead; (11) & piece of land with the pertinents called Pluck-the-Craw; (12) & salmon fishings called Greenside; (13) & teinds; (14) an annual rent corresponding to £1000 Scots payable furth of said lands of Innerdivot; (15) parts of the lands of Innerdivot & Bank thereof; (16) & part of the great common; in security of £4000 on bond & disp by Robert Dalgleish, Scotscraig6 Nov 1826166, 283 & others
1825.02413George Just to Isabella Walker / JustIsabella Walker formerly at St Fort now spouse of George Just, builder & contractor, Tayside near Woodhaven seised in liferent - square pce grnd & ho t/on pt of Wellgate Park in lands of Inverdovat; a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said lands & teinds - on post nupt mar con between them, 26 Nov 18245 May 1825166, 87sasine extract
1824.02083William Dalgleish to Robert DalgleishRobert Dalgleish of Scotscraig as heir of provision to William Dalgleish of Scotscraig his father seised … lands of Scotscraig … pts of lands of Innerdivot called Laverocklaw & others & commonly designated as follows - (1) town & lands of Causewayhead & Laverocklaw; (2) town & lands of Den of St Foord; (3) lands of Craighead; (4) that field & piece of land on S side of river Tay called Fishhouseland; (5) 6 riggs of land on E side of Newport above the boatmen's houses & yards; (6) & the house lands & garden on the E side of the Water of Dundee; (7) lands of Waterston Crook; (8) land with the crofts & yards upon the water called Dundee Waterside; (9) houses & yards immediately to the E of Newport; (10) & 1.5 acres of land called the Holls, being pt of the lands of Causewayhead; (11) & piece of land with the pertinents called Pluck-the-Craw; (12) & salmon fishings called Greenside; (13) & teinds; (14) an annual rent corresponding to £1000 Scots payable furth of said lands of Innerdivot; (15) parts of the lands of Innerdivot & Bank thereof; (16) & part of the great common; on Pr cl con by Charles Dalgleish, his brother, with consent of his curators19 Nov 1824166, 283 & others
1824.01876loan by Elizabeth MeldrumElizabeth Meldrum seised a portion of Inverdovat, the Holes or Justfield & 2 rigs or buts of Causeyhead & piece of land in lieu of servitude in security of £200 on bond & disp by George Just, mason, formerly at Justfield now at Tayside.10 Jul 1824166
1823.01059liferent annuity to Mary Bayne / DalgleishMary Bayne spouse of Robert Dalgleish younger of Scotscraig seised, 28 Dec 1822, lands of Scotscraig … pts of lands of Innerdivot called Laverocklaw & others & commonly designated as follows - (1) town & lands of Causewayhead & Laverocklaw; (2) town & lands of Den of St Foord; (3) lands of Craighead; (4) that field & piece of land on S side of river Tay called Fishhouseland; (5) 6 riggs of land on E side of Newport above the boatmen's houses & yards; (6) & the house lands & garden on the E side of the Water of Dundee; (7) lands of Waterston Crook; (8) land with the crofts & yards upon the water called Dundee Waterside; (9) houses & yards immediately to the E of Newport; (10) & 1.5 acres of land called the Holls, being pt of the lands of Causewayhead; (11) & piece of land with the pertinents called Pluck-the-Craw; (12) & salmon fishings called Greenside; (13) & teinds; (14) an annual rent corresponding to £1000 Scots payable furth of said lands of Innerdivot; (15) parts of the lands of Innerdivot & Bank thereof; (16) & part of the great common; - in security of a liferent annuity of £300 on bond by William Dalgleish of Scotscraig & said Robert Dalgleish (see 2083 & 3338)14 Jan 1823166, 283 & others
1821.00133Thomas Just to George JustGeorge Just seised a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said lands on disp by Thomas Just, formerly mason ay Causeyhead, afterwards feuar at Justfield,his father, 18 Jun 181026 Mar 1821166
1821.00132loan by Elizabeth MeldrumElizabeth Meldrum residing Inverdovat seised 23 Mar 1821 a portion of land formerly of the estate of Inverdovat on E side of Causeyhead & Inverdovat called the Holes or Justfield; & 2 rigs or buts of land of Causeyhead & piece of grnd given off in lieu of servitude and now enclosed & joined to said lands in security of £200 on bond & disp by George Just, mason, formerly at Justfield now at Tayside.26 Mar 1821166
1817.11557Trs James Douglas loan repaidDalgleish of Scotscraig gets ren of bond etc … Trs James Douglas ... (see 10426)1817166 & others
1815.10426loan by Trs James Douglas to William Dalgleish & James HeriotTrs of late James Douglas of Edenside, Major E I Co Serv on the Bombay Establishment, seised … Scotscraig … Sandyhills … pts of land of Innerdivot commonly called town & land of Causeyhead & Laverocklaw, town & lands of Den of St Foord, lands of Craighead, a field & pce of grnd on S side of R Tay called Fish House land cut & inclosed by a wall & ditch possessed by John Morrison innkeeper Newport of Dundee, 6 rigs of land on E side of said Newport, the houses & yards of the skippers, & the ho, land & yd in the Newport of Dundee, the lands of Waterston Crook, that grnd with the crofts & yards at the side of the Dundee Waterside, houses & yds on E side of said Newport, 1.5 acres of land called the Holls - pt of the lands of Causeyhead, & pce of grnd called Pluck-the-Craw, with the common pasture on N & S sides or pts of the Commons of Innerdivot & Sclatesmuir, with the salmon fishings belonging to the said lands called Greenside; an annualrent corresponding to £1000 Scots, payable from the said lands of Innerdivot; other pts of Innerdivot & Bank thereof, with pt of the large common; … in security of £2000 - on bond by William Dalgleish, Scotscraig & James Heriot of Ramornie WS, Dec 1814.18 Jan 1815166, 283 & others
1803.06583Scotscraig to Thomas JustThomas Just, feuar & mason, Causeyhead as heir to David Just, feuar there, his father, seised 18 Aug 1803 in a portion of land called The Holles or Justfield on the east side of Causeyhead & Innerdovat; and 2 riggs or butts of the lands of Causeyhead, with a piece of land in lieu of servitude of pasturage, etc, on the lands of Causeyhead, & teinds, parish of Forgan on pr cl con by William Dalgleish younger of Scotscraig, 11 Mar 1803. Pr.56.337 Oct 1803166

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

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