
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 218:   Newport  -  34' frontage to turnpike    (site of 13/15 High St)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
218Newport34' frontage to turnpikeon N side of turnpike from Newport Toll to Newport Pier; includes existing (in 1853) Lock Up housesite of 13/15 High St


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
297East Newportmiscellaneous plot locationsMap for locations only - not an actual sasine plot.


Properties on this whole plot:

site of 13/15 High St


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

shop, 13, High Street   shop, 15, High Street   house at gasworks, High Street   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1907.00453buildings now not to exceed 16'above level of High StreetDisch by William Berry disburd. the first of the burdens mentioned in 3 Dec 1853 to Gerge Just over the following subjects of which David Innes Young, baker, is now proprietor viz. pce grnd 34' frontage & bldgs t/on : E partly by a road, : S by t/p Newport Toll - Newport Pier, & declaring that in lieu of said first condition is the following real burden - any bldgs erected on said grnd shall not exceed 16' above level of the High Road now known as High Street, Newport23 Mar 1907218
1866.01505George Just to Newport Gas Light CoNewport Gas Light Co regist disp to themselves by George Just consent of Robert Boyd of pce grnd & bldgs t/on on N side of t/p Newport Toll to Newport Pier23 Nov 1866218
1866.01504David Stewart loan repaidDavid Stewart grants disch of bond & disp £100 by George Just & Arthur & Arthur Begg (Dec 1853) to Jessie Addison relict of Alexander Gordon & declares pce grnd & bldgs t/on, on N side of t/p Newport Toll to Newport Pier disburdened (see v7, 3068)23 Nov 1866218
1860.03068Halliburton loan transferred to David StewartDavid Stewart gets assig by Trs Jean Halliburton relict George Hill consent of George Just, Arthur Begg sen & Arthur Begg jun & Arthur Begg & Sons to bond & disp £100 by George Just & A & A Begg (9 Dec 1853) to Jessie Addison relict of Alexander Gordon over pce grnd & bldgs t/on on N of t/p Newport Toll to Newport Pier (see 932)27 Mar 1860218
1857.00932Addison loan transferred to Jean Halliburton / HillTrs Jean Halliburton relict of George Hill get assig by Jessie Addison relict of Alexandder Gordon, consent of George Just, Arthur Begg sen & Arthur Begg jun & Arthur Begg & Sons to bond & disp £100 by George Just & A & A Begg (9 Dec 1853) over pce grnd & bldgs t/on on N of t/p Newport Toll to Newport Pier (see v6, 2348)4 Jun 1857218
1853.02348loan by Jessie Addison / GordonJessie Addison relict of Alexander Gordon gets bond & disp £100 by George Just & Arthur Begg & Arthur Begg jun, tailors & clothiers Dundee as individuals & as partners in company of Arthur Begg & Sons over pce grnd & bldgs t/on on N side of t/p Newport toll to Newport Pier12 Dec 1853218
1853.02332Tayfield to George JustGeorge Just seised pce grnd & bldgs t/on on N side of t/p road Newport Toll to Newport Pier on feu ch by John Berry, Tayfield2 Dec 1853218sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1866.01504Addison, Jessie
1860.03068Addison, Jessie
1857.00932Addison, Jessie
1853.02348Addison, Jessie
1866.01504Begg, Arthur
1860.03068Begg, Arthur
1857.00932Begg, Arthur
1853.02348Begg, Arthur
1853.02348Begg, Arthur jnr
1907.00453Berry, Tayfield
1853.02332Berry, Tayfield
1866.01505Boyd, Robert
1866.01504Gordon, Alexander
1860.03068Gordon, Alexander
1857.00932Gordon, Alexander
1853.02348Gordon, Alexander
1866.01504Gordon, Jessie
1860.03068Gordon, Jessie
1857.00932Gordon, Jessie
1853.02348Gordon, Jessie
1860.03068Halliburton, Jean
1857.00932Halliburton, Jean
1860.03068Hill, George
1857.00932Hill, George
1860.03068Hill, Jean
1857.00932Hill, Jean
1907.00453Just, George
1866.01505Just, George
1866.01504Just, George
1860.03068Just, George
1857.00932Just, George
1853.02348Just, George
1853.02332Just, George
1866.01505Newport Gas Light Co
1866.01504Stewart, David
1860.03068Stewart, David
1907.00453Young, David Innes


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