
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1877    Worrall's Directory of the North Eastern Counties of Scotland comprising … Forfar, Fife, Kinross, Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, published: 1877,  original : National Library of Scotland      There are 437 records.

Kelt The Misses, Tay terraceLocation
Kelt The Misses, Tay terrace : Schools.Location
Kermath Miss I., Mackie place, WLocation
Kerr Mr. R., Ellenmont Villa, W.Location
Kerr Mr. Wm., Ash bankLocation
Kidd Mrs. Mary, Mackie place, WLocation
Kinnear John M., 4 Robert st : Tailors. [?]
Kinnear Mr. J. T., Wellpark terrace, W.Location
Latto David, Newport, East : Wrights And Joiners.Location
Lawson Henry C., Causewayhead : Farmers In Forgan Parish.Location
Lawson Mrs. D., Tay terraceLocation
Lawson Mrs. John, James squareLocation
Lawson Mrs. W., Myrtle terraceLocation
Learmonth John & Son, 2 High st : Boot & Shoemakers.Location
Leitch Mr. A., Wellpark terrace, W.Location
Leng John, Esq. Kinbrae HouseLocation
Leslie Mrs. G., Belle Vue terraceLocation
Leslie Mrs. Mary, Kilnburn placeLocation
Lidston Philip, hardware dealer, 2 Robert st : Miscellaneous. [?]
Lindsay David, Wormit : Farmers In Forgan Parish.Location
Lindsay John, gardener, Seacraig Cottage : Miscellaneous.Location
Lindsay Mr. D., West NewportLocation
Louden Andrew, West Newport : Grocers.Location
Low Mr. John C., Myrtle terraceLocation
Low Mr. John M., Prospect terraceLocation
Low Mrs. Isaac, WoodsideLocation
Low Mrs. James, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 14 High st : Miscellaneous.Location
Lowson Mrs. E. A., Belle Vue terrLocation
M'Donald Mr. A., Tooba Cott, W.Location
M'Donald Mrs. James, Wellgate park, W.Location
M'Gillivray Miss Mary, Bloomfield CottageLocation
M'Intosh Mrs. George, Poplar plLocation
M'Kenzie Mr. L., Woodbine terraceLocation
M'Laggan Mr. J., Maryfield terraceLocation[?]
M'Lean Mr. John, Elmbank, W.Location
M'Lean Mr. M., St. Phillans placeLocation
M'Leod Rev. Neil, Free Church Newport : Places Of Worship And Their Ministers.Location
M'Leod Rev. Neil, Free ManseLocation
M'Nab Mr. S., West NewportLocation
M'Naughton Euphemia M., postmistress : Post OfficeLocation
Macdonald Mrs. A., Holly Cott, W,Location
Mackay Mr. G. B., Tay stLocation
Mackay Mr. W. S., Tay stLocation
Mackie & Mitchell, Queen st : Builders. [?]
Mackie Mrs. George, Mackie placeLocation
Macveigh Mr. Wm., Tayview terrLocation
Mann & Myles, Newport, East : Builders. [?]
Martin John, Tayfield : Blacksmiths.Location
Martin Mr. Wm., Hillside crescentLocation
Mathers Mr. S. R., Woodbine terrLocation

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