
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1861-2    The Dundee Post Office Directory, published: 1861,  original : National Library of Scotland      There are 42 records.

Aimer, George, house proprietor, 70 ? High St; h. NewportLocation
Anderson, J. B., of Anderson & Guild, merchants, 59 Cowgate; h. Broadhaugh, NewportLocation
Begg, Arthur sen, of A Begg & Son, clothiers, 16 Reform St; h. Castle, NewportLocation
Bogie, James, corn merchant, 29 Exchange St; h. Harp Cottage, NewportLocation
Boyd, Robert, writer & notary public, 21 Castle St; h. Taybank, NewportLocation
Brand, David, teller, British Linen Bank; h. Craighead, NewportLocation
Chapman, James, public gardens & refreshment rooms, Newport, 5 minutes' walk west of the landing stage [advert]Location
Clirehugh, William, treasurer, Harbour Trust; h. NewportLocation
Cunningham, John, wine & brandy merchant, 42 Castle St; h. Viewbank, NewportLocation
Dalgleish, David W. O., clerk, 11 King St; h. Newport [?]
Dove, William, merchant, 8 Meadow St; h. NewportLocation
Durham, James, of John Durham & Son, wholesale manufacturing stationers & priners, 49 High St; h. Wingate Place, Newport Location
Durham, John, of John Durham & Son, wholesale manufacturing stationers & priners, 49 High St; h. Wingate Place, Newport Location
Gibson, Kenneth, saddler, 48 High St; h. NewportLocation
Hinksman, John, fish merchant, Fishmarket; h. NewportLocation
Hislop, James, family grocer, tea & coffee dealer, 24 High St; h. East NewportLocation
Holden, R. G., manufacturer, 106 Hilltown; h. NewportLocation
Johnston, John Smith, of Johnston & Scott, writers, insurance agents & notaries public, 30 Reform St; h. Elembank, East NewportLocation
Kay, John, grocer, 8 Kirk Entry; h. Newport, FifeLocation
Kennedy, William, plumber, 7 Willison St; h. Newport [?]
Kidd, Alexander, ironmonger, 18 Overgate; h. West NewportLocation
Kidd, Jonas, spirit dealer, 134 Murraygate; h. NewportLocation
Mackay, Andrew, teacher of mathematics, High School; h. Newport [?]
Mann, Alexander, accountant & commission agent, 21 St Andrew's St; h. NewportLocation
Martin, William, writer, 10 Reform St; h. Hillside Crescent, NewportLocation
Mercer, Andrew, clerk, Ladywell Calender; h. NewportLocation
Parker, Edward, merchant, 22 Cowgate; h. Cliff Terrace, NewportLocation
Paul, Archibald, of Paul & Thain, writers & notaries public, 41 Reform St; h. NewportLocation
Russell, David, of D. Russell & Co, manufacturers & agents, 29 Cowgate; h. East Newport [?]
Sidey, Duncan, manager, Eastern Bank of Scotland; h. Craighead, NewportLocation
Sinclair, Alexander, jeweller, 24 Nethergate; h. Woodbine House, NewportLocation
Small, David jun, banker, Eastern Bank of Scotland; h. NewportLocation
Spiers, Fulton, teller, Bank of Scotland; h. Newport [?]
Stephen, A. M. & Co., booksellers & stationers, 9 High St; h. Cottage, NewportLocation
Stewart, John A., portrait painter, 63 Nethergate; h. NewportLocation
Taylor, George, shipbroker, 9 Shore Terrace; h. NewportLocation
Thoms, James H., clerk, 17 Cowgate; h. Seacraig, NewportLocation
Walker, Harry, of J. & H. Walker, spinners & manufacturers, Dura Works; h. NewportLocation
Walker, James, of Hall & Walker, merchants, 17 Dock St; h. NewportLocation[?]
Webster, Thomas, Post Office, NewportLocation
Young, Andrew D., accountant, 7 Exchange St; h. East Newport [?]
Young, John B., teller, British Linen Co?s Bank; h. NewportLocation

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