
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1915    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Nov 1915,  original : Internet Archive      There are 711 records.

Munn, Thos., M.A; Rev. [under Established Church Forgan]Location
Munro John, Ardoch villa [under Wormit]Location
Munro Miss, Clifton bank, ELocation
Murdoch George, Park house, WLocation
Murdoch James, Rosendale, WLocation
Murdoch Mrs [under Woodhaven]Location
Murray George, butcher, 5 High street, E [under Commercial]Location
Murray George, Craighead [under Farmers]Location
Murray George. Craighead. ELocation
Napier Mrs. Glenorchy [under Wormit]Location
Ness Walter, Daisy bank, ELocation
Newport Gas Light Co. (Jn. Black, mgr) [under Commercial]Location
Newport Liberal Club (Alexander Duncan, sec.), 2 Kilnburn place, E [under Commercial]LocationLocation (2)
Nicolaysen Herbert. Glucksburg [under Wormit]Location
Nicoll & Smibert Ltd. bakers, Pierhead, E [under Commercial]Location
Nicoll James, Conway, WLocation
Nicoll Margt. (Mrs.), boot ma., Union st. E [under Commercial] [?]
Nicoll Miss, Vinebank, Tayport road, E Location
Nicoll Mrs. J. P. Violet bank [under Wormit]Location
Niven A. & Sons, butchers, Pierhead [under Commercial]LocationLocation (2)
Niven Alexander, Maybank. Tay terrace, E Location
Niven Mrs. 1 Linden avenue, F.Location
Norrie Robert, Kilnburn place, E Location
Oakley Francis, The Firs [under Wormit]Location
Pae David, 7 Prospect terrace, ELocation
Pae William James, 3 Linden avenue, E Location
Pairman Thos. Alverton. Tayport road, E Location
Paisley Mrs. 1 Myrtle terrace, ELocation
Pate John, 2 Struan plane, ELocation
Patterson John M. clothier [under Wormit Commercial]Location
Patterson John M. Lynedoch [under Wormit]Location
Patterson Miss, 3 St. Phillan's place, E Location
Pattullo Thomas, 3 Kilnburn place, E Location
Paul Andrew, Waterston, WLocation
Paulsen Max, Rockmount [under Wormit]Location
Payne Henry Arthur, The Brambles, Woodbine terrace ELocation
Peacock Miss, Avelynn [under Wormit]Location
Pearson David. boot maker, Newburgh rd. [under Commercial]Location
Peat James, Bramble bank, WLocation
Peat James, Craiglea [under Wormit]Location
Peebles Alexander, dairyman, Bogton (letters via Wormit, Fifeshire) [under Forgan Commercial]Location
Peebles John A. Waterside [under Wormit]Location
Percy Miss, Millbank lodge, ELocation
Petrie David M. The Hainin [under Wormit]Location
Petrie Mrs. Sylverton, Victoria street, ELocation
Petrie William, Fernbank [under Wormit]Location
Pettie George, Rockville. WLocation
Philip James B. Viewmount, ELocation
Philip James Brown, grocer, Union st. E [under Commercial]Location
Philip Walter S. 2 Kilnburn terrace, E Location

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