Sasines - Abridgements
Ref | Abridgement | In Brief | Registered | Plot IDs | |
1867.01760 | Isabella Macintosh residing Seacraig Cottage, Newport, relict of James Boyd, & Jane / Jeannie Boyd & Eliza Boyd, daughters, reg disp to themselves liferent & fee by James Brown of W-most half of lot of grnd 72.25 pol & houses etc t/on no. 27 on plan of field immediately S of Maryton | James Brown to Isabella Macintosh / Boyd, Jane & Eliza Boyd | 22 Mar 1867 | 341, 333 | |
1867.01761 | Charles Howe reg disp to himself by James Brown of E-most half of lot of grnd 72.25 pol & houses etc t/on, lot 27 immediately S of Maryton | James Brown to Charles Howe | 22 Mar 1867 | 5, 333 | |
1867.01790 | James Miln gets bond & disp £70 by George Just over lot no. 2 (34.25 pol) of Woodmoor Park & ho etc t/on | second loan by James Miln | 30 Mar 1867 | 118 | |
1867.01808 | Matthew Shiells shipbuilder Dundee regist. decr. adjud. against John Duncan adjudging lot of 36 poles ground no. 4 of Wellgate Park to belong to said Matthew Shiells for payment of the accumulated sum of £80-9-0 (see v.7, 3620) | J Duncan to Matthew Shiells (default on debt) | 8 Apr 1867 | 108 | |
1867.01822 | The Commissioners of Supply for the County of Fife regist. feu ch to themselves by Berry, Tayfield of pce of grnd 17.75 poles on E side of King Street, Maryton | Tayfield to Commissioners of Supply | 10 Apr 1867 | 239, 250 | |
1867.01834 | Duncan Macdonald & George Dunn Whyte regist feu ch to themselves by Berry, Tayfield of lot of 64 pol on S side of Queen St, East Newport | Tayfield to Duncan Macdonald & George Dunn Whyte | 17 Apr 1867 | 342 | sasine extract |
1867.01889 | Isabella Walker Lauder relict of George Hislop, teacher, regist disp to herself by James Brown of lot of 37 pol grnd, no. 4 on plan, being the NW lot of a field on S side of King St under burden of £500 in bond & disp to Jane Ann Taws Soutar | James Brown to Isabella Walker Lauder / Hislop | 14 May 1867 | 274 | |
1867.01890 | Hector Turnbull gets bond & disp £1000 by Duncan Macdonald & George Dunn Whyte over lot of 64 pol grnd & bldgs t/on on S side of Queen St | loan by Hector Turnbull | 14 May 1867 | 342 | |
1867.01912 | John Pullar & spouse Mary Barnet register disp to themselves by James Brown, formerly cabinet maker now builder, of lot of grnd & bldgs t/on no. 16 of park between Newport & t/p Newport - Cupar | James Brown to John Pullar & Mary Barnet / Pullar | 16 May 1867 | 284 | |
1867.01913 | William Bruce & daughter Helen Bruce get bond & disp £650 by John Jackson of pce grnd & ho t/on part of 2 roods of land No. 26 on plan on W side of Queen Street; & lot of 36pol 22yd No. 2 on plan and the SW lot of a field on S side of King Street, Maryton | loan by William & Helen Bruce | 16 May 1867 | 206, 272 | |
1867.01914 | George Kerr Harrower regist. disp & reconvey to himself by Trs Benjamin Hall Blyth of pce grnd on High Road with granary t/on; also disch. of the personal obligations in bond & disp £500 by George Kerr Harrower to Benjamin Hall Blyth, April 1858 (see 01734) | Trs Benjamin Hall Blyth to George Kerr Harrower; also Blyth loan repaid | 16 May 1867 | 188 | |
1867.01919 | William Smith regist to himself feu con between him & Clydesdale Bank Co of pieces of grnd containing 610 pol, comprising the E portion of lot 20, & whole of lots 21-28 of Craighead | Clydesdale Bank to William Smith | 17 May 1867 | 73, 67 | |
1867.01920 | James Ronald registers disp to himself by George Kerr Harrower of pce grnd on High Road of Newport West with granary t/on | George Kerr Harrower to James Ronald | 17 May 1867 | 188 | |
1867.01921 | Jessie Knox, spouse of James Ronald, gets bond & disp £500 by James Ronald over pce grnd on High Road of Newport West with granary t/on | loan by Jessie Knox, spouse of James Ronald | 17 May 1867 | 188 | |
1867.01953 | George Worrall grants disch of bond £500 (March 1865) by James Brown & declares lot of 45 pol 25 yd grnd on S side of King St, the NE lot of a field, disburdened (see no. 163) | Worrall loan repaid | 21 May 1867 | 273 | |
1867.01954 | Charlotte Fyfe relict of David Preston regist disp to herself by James Brown of lot of 45 pol 25 yd grnd on S side of King St, the NE lot of a field | James Brown to Charlotte Fyfe / Preston | 21 May 1867 | 273 | |
1867.01955 | Thomas Ewing, formerly commander of the steam ship 'London' of Dundee, residing at Newport, reg disp to himself by Charles Alexander, printer, of 30.5 pol grnd & ho etc t/on, the W-most half of pce of grnd containing 61 pol, lot 18 Craighead | Charles Alexander to Thomas Ewing | 21 May 1867 | 64, 63 | |
1867.01959 | Helen Small, relict of David Crawford, grants disch of bond & disp £200 (Feb 1866) by James Smith & declares 20 pol 10.5 yd grnd & ho t/on in Maryton disburdened | Helen Small / Crawford loan repaid | 22 May 1867 | 327 | |
1867.01968 | Euphemia Gellatly, residing Newport, reg disp to herself by Charles Alexander of 30.5 pol grnd & ho etc t/on, the E-most half of 61 pol, lot 18 of Craighead | Charles Alexander to Euphemia Gellatly | 28 May 1867 | 65, 63 | sasine extract |
1867.02005 | Charlotte Fife relict of David Preston regist disp to herself by James Brown of lot of 45 pol 25 yd grnd & houses t/on, on S side of King St, the NE lot of a field [repeat of 1867.01954] | James Brown to Charlotte Fife / Preston | 12 Jun 1867 | 273 | |
1867.02028 | Thomas Russell gets not instr as heir of Alexander Russell declaring his right to bond & disp £550 by James Rhind & William Rhind as Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind … to James Russell (Oct 1851) over 5 pieces grnd & houses lots 22-26 in Maryton (see vol 6, 589) [no reference to 25 falls 4 ells plot in abridgement, but assumed here] | Alexander Russell loan transferred to Thomas Russell | 21 Jun 1867 | 149, 192 | |
1867.02118 | Mary Ogilvie Smart relict of William Clark jun gets bond & disp £500 by William Wilson over lot of 21.33 pol grnd & houses etc t/on at Newport on W & S of t/p from Cupar to Newport ferry pier | loan by Mary Ogilvie Smart / Clark | 27 Jul 1867 | 307 | |
1867.02211 | Robert Brown residing lately at Cliff Cottage, Newport now at Sea Craig House, reg disp to himself by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind of 119.95 pol grnd & bldgs t/on, being pt of 5 pieces of ground of Seacraig | Trs Alexander Rhind to Robert Brown (part) | 7 Sep 1867 | 316, 149 | |
1867.02212 | Robert Brown gets bond & disp £650 by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind over 25 falls 4 ells (or 31 pol 20 yd) lot 27; and 5 pces grnd extending to 40 falls 4 ells (four times) and 49 falls 14 ells (lots 22-26 on plan) ith houses etc t/on in Maryton (under excep) | loan by Robert Brown | 7 Sep 1867 | 149, 192 | |
1867.02216 | James Fleming grants disch bond & disp £600 by Alexander Rhind to George Chiene (Mar 1847); bond & disp £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie (Oct 1847); & bond corrob & disp £1250 to John Borrie (May 1866) & declares 25 falls 4 ells in Maryton & 5 pces grnd lots 22-26 in Maryton disburdened | both Chiene loans repaid | 10 Sep 1867 | 149, 192 | |
1867.02217 | Thomas Russell grants disch of bond & disp £550 by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind (Oct 1851) & declares 25 falls 4 ells in Maryton & 5 pces grnd lots 22-26 in Maryton disburdened [no reference to 25 falls 4 ells plot in abridgement, but assumed here] | Russell loan repaid | 10 Sep 1867 | 149, 192 | |
1867.02246 | Christina Baird, spouse of John Harris mason, as heir portioner to Ann Just, spouse of Arthur Baird weaver, her mother, reg decr sp serv of half of 2 houses with garden behind & on W at Broadhaughs on N side of High Road from Newport to Woodhaven | Ann Just to Christina Baird | 25 Sep 1867 | 181 (half) | |
1867.02247 | Christina Baird, spouse of John Harris mason, as heir portioner to Ann Just, spouse of Arthur Baird weaver, her mother, reg decr sp serv of half of 2 houses with garden behind & on W at Broadhaughs on N side of High Road from Newport to Woodhaven | Ann Just to Christina Baird | 25 Sep 1867 | 181 (half) | |
1867.02312 | Mary Peat, spouse of James Smith, reg disp to herself by David Gellatly, grocer, consent of James Smith, of W-most of 3 cottages on the N side of the road or street through the village of Marytown | David Gellatly to Mary Peat / Smith | 17 Oct 1867 | 60 | |
1867.02313 | David Gellatly gets bond & disp £150 by James Smith & spouse Mary Peat over W-most of 3 cottages on the N side of the road or street through the village of Marytown | loan by D Gellatly to Mary & James Smith | 17 Oct 1867 | 60 | |
1867.02338 | Trs Margaret Beattie, relict of David Fitchie get bond & disp £100 by James Smith over pce grnd 20 pol 10.5 yd & ho t/on in Marytown | loan by Trs Margaret Beattie / Fitchie | 26 Oct 1867 | 327 | |
1867.02350 | Trs creditors Cleghorn & Walker, spinners, manufacturers & merchants, Ferryport & Dundee, & John Cleghorn & James Walker, partners … get not instr of W-most ho & outhouse & garden in Wellgate Park (as recorded in 1865.00696) on deed & Gen Convey by the firm & partners & trustees thereof | J Cleghorn to Trs creditors of Cleghorn & Walker | 1 Nov 1867 | 130 | |
1867.02357 | John Brebner, baker, Perth now Dundee reg feu ch to himself by Berry, Tayfield of lot of 9.25 pol grn on N side of Prinlaws Place | Tayfield to John Brebner | 2 Nov 1867 | 343 | sasine extract |
1867.02363 | James Dempster Ramsay gets bond & disp £625 by William Stewart jun over 2 lots grnd, 90.5 pol, & ho t/on, nos 6 & 7 of Woodmoor Park | another loan by James Dempster Ramsay | 6 Nov 1867 | 337 | |
1867.02404 | Trs Janet Wilson Horne / Boyd get assig by David Cardean, consent Rachel Bogie, to bond & disp Nov. 1864 £500 by James Bogie to Ann Cardean over 42 pol 17 ells (1 rood 13 pol 12 yd) & houses etc t/on, no.4 of Maryton | Cardean loan transferred to Trs Janet Wilson Horne / Boyd | 13 Nov 1867 | 102 | |
1867.02411 | John Borrie grants disch of bond & disp (Feb 1826) £150 to extent of £50 being balance remaining due by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind & James Rhind consent … Alexander Russell… & declares 5 pces grnd & houses lots 22-26 and 25 falls 4 ells grnd in Maryton disburdened (see 1856.00079) | second Borrie loan repaid | 14 Nov 1867 | 192, 149 | |
1867.02444 | Caledonian Property Investment Co reg disp to themselves by John Brebner of 9.25 pol grnd at Newport on S side of t/p Cupar - Newport ferry pier | John Brebner to Caledonian Property Investment Co | 19 Nov 1867 | 343 | |
1867.02466 | Thomas Myles builder & David Mann builder reg feu ch to themselves by Berry, Tayfield of lot of 66 pol grnd no. 22 on plan of park E of Newport, Marytown, on S side of Nairne St | Tayfield to Thomas Myles & David Mann | 23 Nov 1867 | 351 | |
1867.02467 | William Nicoll reg feu ch to himself by Berry, Tayfield of lot of 53.5 pol grnd, no. 9 on plan of park E of Marytown, on S side of t/p to Ferryport | Tayfield to William Nicoll | 23 Nov 1867 | 62 | |
1867.02493 | John Mathewson, Myrtle Tce, Newport grants disch of bond £200, 25 Jan / 1 Feb 1867 by James Brown over 64 pol grnd & dw houses t/on, partly on E side of Manse Road (see 1867.01710) | loan repaid | 29 Nov 1867 | 339 | |
1867.02499 | David Cooper, slater reg disp to himself by James Brown of an area of grnd & ho etc t/on in Newport | James Brown to David Cooper | 30 Nov 1867 | 340, 354 | sasine extract |
1867.02500 | Peter Scott mason reg disp to himself by James Brown of an area of grnd & ho t/on in Newport | James Brown to Peter Scott | 30 Nov 1867 | 355, 339 | sasine extract |
1867.02501 | Margaret Fowler, relict of Alexander Brown, joiner Crail, & Robert Forrester mason reg disp to themselves in liferent & fee by James Brown of an area of grnd & ho etc t/on in Newport | James Brown to Margaret Fowler / Brown & Robert Forrester | 30 Nov 1867 | 356, 339 | sasine extract |
1867.02503 | John Mathewson gets bond & disp £100 by Peter Scott mason over pce grnd & ho etc in Newport | loan by John Mathewson | 2 Dec 1867 | 355 | sasine extract |
1867.02504 | John Mathewson gets bond & disp £100 by Robert Forrester & Margaret Fowler relict of Alexander Brown over pce grnd & ho etc in Newport | loan by John Mathewson | 2 Dec 1867 | 356 | sasine extract |
1867.02544 | Georgina Mackie Whyte reg to herself feu con between her and William Smith of 40 pol grnd, pt of lot 28 of Craighead | William Smith to Georgina Mackie Whyte | 16 Dec 1867 | 40, 73 | |
1867.02545 | Trs Congregational Church, Newport reg feu ch to themselves by Berry, Tayfield of NW portion of a lot of grnd extending to 51 pol, pt of the Kilnburn Field, E of the mansion of Tayfield | Tayfield to Trs Congregational Church | 17 Dec 1867 | 352 | |
1867.02555 | James Brown reg feu ch to himself by Berry Tayfield of 34 pol 20.5 yd grnd, the W-most portion of a lot of grnd on S side of Queen St, Newport | Tayfield to James Brown | 21 Dec 1867 | 3 | |
1867.02556 | John Thomson plumber reg feu ch to himself by Berry Tayfield of 39 pol 1.5 yd grnd, the E-most portion of a lot of grnd on S side of Queen St, Newport | Tayfield to John Thomson | 21 Dec 1867 | 359 | sasine extract |
1867.02571 | Isabella Hood, relict of John Wilson, grants disch of bond & disp (£800) March 1867 by James Brown & declares 75 pol grnd & houses etc on E side of Manse Road or street in Marytown disburdened (see 01756) | Isabella Hood / Wilson loan repaid | 30 Dec 1867 | 353 |
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Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon; t/p - turnpike; dw - dwelling; ho - house; pt - part; pce - piece; grnd - ground; bldg - building; Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees; dec - deceased; ... - words omitted; pol - poles; yd - square yards; : - bounded; rd - road; ' - feet; " - inches;
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