
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Plots

     There are 684 records.

Plot IDAreaPlot No.SizeDescriptionNotesProperties
542Wormit63 pol 3 yd(Sturrock)28 Birkhill Ave
543Wormit30 acres 3 roods 13 pol(Wieland)Bay Road
544Wormit46 polS side of turnpike(Duncan / Killacky)28-32 Riverside Rd
545Wormit163 pol 4 yd + sloping bank on WS side of turnpike(Slimman)23 Naughton RdSloping bank was formerly North British Railway property (plot ID 447)
546Wormit76 pol 12 yd(Walker / Anderson / Gibson)31-37 Naughton Rd
548WormitE-most half of 55 pol(Scott)3 Riverside Rd
549WormitW-most half of 55 pol; 41' along the turnpike(Ireland)1 Riverside Rd
550Wormitlot 3 of 183 pol 16 yd18 pol 27 yd(Graham)4 Birkhill Ave
551Wormitlot 4 of 183 pol 16 yd17 pol 27 yd(Graham)6 Birkhill Ave
567Wormit21 pol 16 yd(W Scott / Gray / McKay)24 Birkhill Ave
569Wormit26 pol 12 yd(Farmer)11-15 Riverside Rd
570Wormit21 pol 6 yd(Wood)22 Birkhill Ave
571Wormit80 pol(Kinnes)27 Naughton Rd, 10-12 Mount Stewart Rd
572Wormit20 pol 11 ydtriangle(McLaren / Stewart)17 Naughton Rd
573Wormit42.5 pol(Gordon)49-51 Bay Rd
574Wormit41 pol(Taylor / Maxwell)53-55 Bay Rd
575Wormit29 pol(Anderson)57 Bay Rd
576Wormit28 pol 20 yd(McLaren / Stewart / Packham)19 Naughton Rd, 2 Mt Stewart Rd
577Wormit26 pol 7 yd(McIntosh)12 Birkhill Ave
578Wormit25 pol 24 yd(Hossick)14 Birkhill Ave
579Wormit53 pol 29 ydbounded N & W by new 25' street, S by new 25' street(McLaren / Stewart)7-9 Mt Stewart Rd, 1 Hillpark Tce
580Wormit32 pol 18 ydwith semi-detached cottage(D Prophet jun)15 Northview Tce
581Wormit38 pol 3.5 ydwith semi-detached cottage(D Prophet jun)9 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
582Wormit69 pol 6.5 ydwith 2 semi-detached cottages(W Prophet)11-13 Northview Tce
583Wormit35 pol 9.75 yd(W Prophet)11 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
584Wormit33 pol 27 yd(W Prophet)13 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
585Wormit70 pol88' along street on S(Prophet / Worrall)5-7 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
586Wormit68 pol 21.25 ydW-most pt of 345 pol 18 yd(Prophet / Philip)9 Hillpark Tce; garden (E) of 1 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
587Wormit68 pol 11 yd85' 6" along street(Prophet / Worrall)garden ground of 5-7 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
588WormitW-most part of 53 pol 29 ydbounded N & W 150' along new road(Stewart)7 Mt Stewart Rd, 1 Hillpark Tce
589Wormitpart of 53 pol 29 yd19 pol 6 ydS of 12' wide road(Stewart)9 Mt Stewart Rd
590Wormit35 pol 12 yd(McLaren / Stewart)21 Naughton Rd
591Wormit185 pol 12.25 ydbounded N by 6' path from highway, NW by new 25' street, S by intended 25' street(McLaren)1-5 & 11 Mt Stewart Rd, 1 Northview Tce & garden (W), 3-7 Hillpark Tce
600Wormitpart of 185 pol 12.25 yd20.5 polbounded N by 6' path, S by 25' road(McLaren / Duncan)11 Mt Stewart Rd
601Wormitpart of 185 pol 12.25 yd23 pol 21 ydbounded W partly by 6' path, S by 25' road(McLaren / Philip)7 Hillpark Tce
602Wormit279 pol 12 yd(Stewart)2-28 Hillpark Tce
607WormitE-most part of 42.5 pol + 23 pol 1.25 yd(Gordon / Lawson)49 Bay RdGarden ground added 1894
608WormitW-most part of 42.5 pol + 26 pol 15.5 yd(Gordon / Scrimgeour)51 Bay RdGarden ground added 1894
613Wormit84 pol 12 yd(Mitchell)8-10 Birkhill Ave, 1 Crosshill Tce
614Wormit24 pol 18 yd(Mitchell / Stewart)2 Scotswood Cres, 3 Crosshill Tce
615Wormitlot 5 of 113 pol10.41 polground & houses(Mitchell / Annie Bishop or Scott)18 Riverside Rd
616Wormitlot 6 of 113 pol10.82 polground & houses(Mitchell / Andrew Scott jun)16 Riverside Rd
617Wormit3 acres 2 roods 15 polat Scroggieside(Cowley)30-36 Birkhill Ave, Highfield Ave, 47-67 Crosshill TceThe S boundary may not be accurate. The only houses built were 34-36 Birkhill Ave (1898). The remainder of the ground was the site of army barracks during 1914-18 war and up to 1920s.
618Wormitpart of 185 pol 12.25 yd101 polbounded N by 6' path from highway, NW by 25' road, S partly by 6' path(I McLaren / Stewart)1-5 Mt Stewart Rd, 1 Northview Tce & garden (W), 5 Hillpark Tce
619Wormitpart of 185 pol 12.25 yd35 pol 15 ydbounded S or SE partly by 6' path, N or NW by 6' footpath(Stewart)1 Northview TceRocky bank to N added 1906.
620Wormit20.5 pol + 2 pol 9.5 yd + 2.43 pol(Water Commissioners)8 Crosshill Tce
370Wormit139 pol 18 ydPlot measures 147'6" x 257'6"(Stewart / Tayside Electric)Electric Station
621Wormitlot 7 of 279 pol 12 yd20 pol 21 yd(Stewart)14 Hillpark Tce
371Wormitmiscellaneous plot locationsMap for locations only - not an actual sasine plot.
622Wormitlot 8 of 279 pol 12 yd20 pol 21 yd(Stewart)16 Hillpark Tce

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Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation

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